Rules and Regulations
1. The festival is open to Amateur Recorder players of all age groups eg 4 – 104
2. The age of the entrant on the first day of the festival will be deemed to be his or her age for entry.
3. Entrants may perform only once in any solo class, by may participate more than once in any other class provided a different part is performed.
4. The names of each participant in duo, trio or quartets must be provided in order to qualify for entry.
5. All entries must be made on official entry forms. For closing date see Application Form.
6. The committee reserves the right to refuse any entry also to limit, cancel, merge, subdivide or transfer any class if required. Additional or alternative adjudicators may be appointed to suit. Fees will not be returned, except for entries not performed due to a decision of the festival committee.
7. Where there is only one entrant in a class, the class MAY be cancelled and the entrant advised, to permit either a transfer to an alternate class or the return of the fee.
8. Only stewards and accompanists will be allowed in the performance area with the entrants.
9. Entrants should not play repeats in set pieces unless specified in the syllabus. In "own choice" pieces, repeats are optional, but all works performed must comply with the time limits for that class. Time limits must be strictly adhered to. The adjudicator will be informed of any overrun so that the mark will not cover this period.
11. The use of electronic equipment for sound amplification is not allowed.
12. The adjudicator's decision will be regarded as final. No entrant, teacher or interested party may discuss any aspect of the festival with an adjudicator before, during or after classes, except by invitation of the adjudicator.
13. Written adjudications will be available at the end of each class and must be collected from the adjudicator's steward's desk.
14. The MARKING SYSTEM is as Follows:
Performances are classed as follows:
· 75 to 77 marks is FAIR
· 78 to 80 marks is MODERATE
· 81 to 83 marks is a MERIT
· 84 to 86 marks is COMMENDED
· 87 to 89 marks is a DISTINCTION
· 90 and above marks is OUTSTANDING
Certificates (1st, 2nd & 3rd) will be awarded in each class, to the recipients of the 3 highest marks.
15. A Prize &/or Trophy will be awarded to the first place competitor provided a minimum of 85 marks has been achieved. All trophies will remain the property of the North West Recorder Festival. The Winners or responsible adults MUST sign for their receipt and ensure safe keeping of the trophies until they are returned to the Trophy Steward no later than 31st October of the year following their award. Failure to return a trophy by the required date may result in the entrant not being allowed to participate in future festivals.
16. In the event of a tie for a trophy rule 15 applies but both winners, or responsible adult MUST sign for the receipt of the trophy and ensure its safe keeping. The trophy should be held for equal periods during the year.
17. Entrants must perform the set piece from the edition and/or in the key specified to avoid disqualification.
18. Entries for "own choice" will only be accepted with full details of the Title, Author/Composer being shown on the entry form. Set pieces specified for other classes may not be chosen and entrants may not perform the same "own choice" in more than one class. Entrants will not be allowed to change an "own choice" piece once it has been accepted.
19. The Music Publishers' Association has announced that when an "own choice" work is selected from a publication containing several different works and is not published separately, a copy may be made for the use of the adjudicator at a festival, provided that the competitor has already purchased a copy and that the photocopy is retained and destroyed by the administrator of the festival immediately after the event. This permission does not apply to Set Pieces. Competitors are advised that this permission applies only to copyright holders who are members of the Music Publishers Association and it does not apply to making copies for the accompanist who should always be given a printed copy.
20. For music classes a publisher's copy of the "own choice" must be made available for the adjudicator at the time of the festival.
21. Except as specified above, the use of photocopied works, which are copyright, is forbidden without the written permission of the copyright holder. This must be available for inspection at the festival.
22. Entrants must provide their own accompanist however if this causes a problem please get in touch with me “Lee
Parker” at and I will arrange for a pianist to be available. A copy of the piece to be performed must be received by me for use by the official accompanist, not later than FOUR WEEKS prior to the start of the festival. Failure to provide this may lead to disqualification.
23. The decision of the committee in all matters arising out of or not specifically covered in these Rules and Regulation is final.
24. Any protests about infringement of any of these Rules or action following an infringement should be made to the Festival General Secretary, in writing, within one week of the date of the Festival and should be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope.
25. The Festival committee cannot accept any responsibility for any property left unattended at the venues of the festival.
26. The Winners of selected classes, provided a minimum of 87 marks has been achieved, will be invited to compete for the Lucy Carr Rose Bowl.
Finance section: Any income and property of the group shall
be applied solely towards promoting the objects and aims of the group. The
division of profits or assets among group members is prohibited.
Dissolution section: In the event of North West Recorder
Festival being wound up, any assets remaining after the payment of debts and
liabilities will be transferred to a charitable/not for profit institution or
institutions with similar musical objectives. No remaining assets will be
distributed to members.
NOTE: Rule 10 regarding no photography etc. must be observed, if not, one may infringe The Protection of Children Act 1999.
Please refer to our Protection of Children Policy here.
Adjudicator: Keith Orrell
Accompanist: Rosemary Thomason
Venue: St Paul's Church, Heaton Moor Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 4RY
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